Well, here's the page I'll probably use forever and ever to show people the stuff I like.
Just as a note, I know it won't be quite the way I like yet. So here's the plan: I add the name of multiple of my favorite games, special interests, and things I feel strongly about or am planning to get into, + up to 3 relevant pieces of art about em displayed, + a link to a new page showing off ALL applicable art (and maybe an added part to said page which'll serve as a sort of blog post about my thoughts on the game/topic, if I feel so inclined).
For example, sans literally every part this would be exampling:(....I need to add headers that aren't H1 i think. Alright nvm done)
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>>> BUGS
I mean, whoever you are, you probably know me from my art, but you also probably know me specifically from my digital art. I've done a bunch of stuff outside that my whole life! I was very interested in origami, clay, pipe cleaner sculptures, and physical illustration when I was younger--however, current multimedia projects tend to be sewing, crochet (also a when-i-was-younger thing, though i haven't gotten any better at it yet...!), and painting, whether on canvases or clay or cardboard. I <3 painting so much actually. The background of this whole site is by me + I'll add other examples of my physical work eventually!
I plan to become a polyglot later in life!!! Not just coding languages (heheh), but while my singular native language is English (everyone thank my parents for being too poor and busy to teach me spanish when i was little, i guess), I've been learning Spanish slowly throughout my life and Polish for the past two years. I'd say I'm about at an elementary level in both of them, though I can certainly grasp more spanish from context than polish X]
After I've improved in those for a few years, I was thinking about learning languages such as Esperanto, ASL, and possibly even Kaqchikel (a language with only around 410k native speakers, but it's my grandmother's first language). Whatever I go with, I'm sure I'll be busy with them throughout my life!