A drawing of two machine characters, Murphy and Bugzapper, stargazing together. This was drawn by the sitemaker's friend for them for Valentine's Day.

☆ ^ Orion (Murphy and Bugzapper, 2025) ☆

Pixel version of the transgender flag. Pixel version of the Gilbert Baker pride flag, all nine stripes.

Heya! The name's Peridots or Peridots-PixiWolf (if you couldn't tell--eheh), but Peri works just fine too.

They/it/he, please! Neutral or masculine terms are the ones I prefer, I'm just a guy X]

Artist, coder, lover of video games and robots and bugs and life and love itself. So, without further ado...
Welcome to my little junkyard site: I'm just testing some things out and everythin's subject to change--it's going to be a little scrappy + simplistic when I haven't coded in a long time and have been relearning from scratch!

Fallout: New Vegas text reading 'guess I'll see you around!', the fact that it is spoken by Yes Man is cropped out.

Pixel version of the agender flag. Pixel version of the bisexual flag. Pixel version of the objectum flag. Pixel version of the Italian and Guatemalan flags spliced together diagonally. Pixel version of the old polyamorous flag, with pi in the center. Pixel version of the demiromantic flag. Pixel version of the gray-asexual flag.


I'm not sure what I want to do with this site (possibly a place for my worldbuilding or art) but thought it might be fun to experiment. Anything here is entirely made with my own two hands and not the use of generative AI, I'll try to limit myself to my own images and give credit whereelse, and whatever my behavior is with attempting to Not plagiarize others' coding, it can be described as "the more room for detail, the more i'll try to distance myself from the source and make it my own new thing". As the uncle of random youtube user @ragnaroksbringer once said, nothing is original, but some things are novel.

Here's my tumblr, in case you didn't come from there!

Coming back to this HTML tutorial bit; here's some of the stuff I enjoy, a directory of sorts to some of the stuff on my blog really :]

^the above is from about eight months ago as of May, so it's not entirely a reflection of my current interests! My all-time favorite game, a title that's been held by Hollow Knight for years, should be apparent as soon as I figure out how to code in a reference!!

Yeah actually and THAT above paragraph was probably may 2023, I'm back here in oct 2024! Hii :] said reference is here by now just read this again duhh

wait let me do something silly here hold on


alright perfect . quarantined

Oh, and by the way...

...props to you if you can recognize each of these fonts!

Too bad I can't change em within the same line.

Oh well. Not that I know what to use them for yet.

link i'm trying to access (while using wifi that didn't let me access tumblr online and opening the app normally wasn't worth it for the amount of stuff on my dash). actually i'm not removing it it's a precious site. cindyann you are always welcome here

I've actually used wikitext coding before and was fairly good at it. The theme I'd made is hidden below--I was planning to add it in somehow or edit it to fit, if possible, but wikitext apparently Does Not Work here, and I'm not too interested in converting to basic html. I'm nothing but a beginner when it comes to html code, I am interested in learning though!

I'm pretty nervous when it comes to anything that's both public and unfinished, and this happens to be both, so I edit this very frequently! I think I've gotten over it a little though...too much stuff to sift through if you wanna find any errors, now X]

If you DO want to find some cool other stuff I have, visit the links at the top of this page and search around.

.....but like alsooooo there's not a WHOLE lot i can do to design this without adding art and drawing my own assets, and I don't quite have the free time or energy for that as a bored drowning-in-work high school senior, so I'll try my best without it /:]

also the icon (notes on which have been moved to Sources) might not show up everywhere??? It displays as the orange ivy on my school-appointed coworker and home tablet, but as the unloaded grayed-out earth icon on my home laptop + phone. Unsure what this means

umm. not gonna link you to anywhere else (<THING THAT LITERALLY ALREADY PUT ITS TUMBLR RIGHT UP THERE) but you can go to my toyhouse if you want ^.^

ooooh you wanna look at my game so bad (NO IDEA HOW TO UPLOAD IT. don't worry i'm aware the link doesn't work) x


03/07/25: Minor wording edits, made the mini pixel flags!! Teehee. 02/22/25: Minor edits, and I added these two boxes! I... admittedly haven't been keeping track before this....... well, know that this site was created 08/21/22, and I REALLY began work (as in, ALL css changes beyond colorful text, vcr font, and colorful background) sometime around late November 2024. I hope to add much more! Thanks for comin around, dear traveller! *^^*


> I wanna join some webrings but I'm not gonna sign up with my plainlookin little site :pensive: > Honestly, at this point, no change in formatting just... add decoration. Blinkies, my art, gifs, maybe flags or bracelet pngs, make this place lived in just like I have been the past few months! I'd also like to add little stars or something on either side of my friend's art at the top. That'd be cool... It's hard to do with text though, so I'll probably add two vines of fairy lights (transparent images) on either side instead. Maybe.
